We are in the Age of Reckoning for White People

We are living in dangerous times now in America.  We have a government who is willing to separate children from their families.  To keep those crying and distraught children passive, the government is even willing to administer powerful antipsychotics to these children to keep them docile and more manageable.  Heaven forbid they hire childcare workers for these children to make things as humane as possible given the circumstances.  Instead, we are giving drugs to children that are typically given to people with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.  Think about that for a second.

What’s perhaps more distressing is that a lot of individuals just don’t seem to care about the fact that our country is committing these atrocities.  Millions of people appear content to go about their daily lives and keep their heads in the sand, pretending none of this is happening.  How could the country that they grew up in and love do such things?  They cry fake news because they refuse to believe it.  For many, what is going on in this country is anything but fake; it’s very real.  People of color and LGBT individuals are actively thinking about leaving the country.

Are these people being alarmist, paranoid, or being snowflakes?  Hardly.  According to individuals who study genocide, there are eight stages.  Many believe we are already in the sixth stage.  Genocide Watch describes the sixth stage as:

Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up. Members of victim groups are forced to wear identifying symbols. Their property is expropriated. They are often segregated into ghettoes, deported into concentration camps, or confined to a famine-struck region and starved. At this stage, a Genocide Emergency must be declared. If the political will of the great powers, regional alliances, or the U.N. Security Council can be mobilized, armed international intervention should be prepared, or heavy assistance provided to the victim group to prepare for its self-defense. Otherwise, at least humanitarian assistance should be organized by the U.N. and private relief groups for the inevitable tide of refugees to come.

These days, I have been thinking about Tiananmen Square a lot.  I feel it is a significant event because the Chinese government used lethal force to suppress dissent.  I wonder how far away we are from doing so in our own country.  We have already begun the process of vilifying those who disagree with the dominant White narrative.  Colin Kaepernick is still unemployed and the Department of Justice is actively investigating “Black Identity Extremists.” How long will it be before the Trump administration begins mass murdering Latinx individuals and telling everyone it was because they were part of MS-13?  How many White Americans would be content with such an explanation?  When lethal force is used to suppress dissent so publicly, we are at a point of no return.  If we get to that stage, the government can only be removed by force.  We cannot let that happen in this country.

For us to save democracy, we need to get our act together as a country.  We need people to stop being apathetic.  We need White individuals to stop living in their white privilege.  If we are to resist fascism, we need individuals to not be content to go about their daily lives as usual.  This is particularly true for White individuals for a number of reasons.  Many of them would be the last to be targeted by the fascist state; they would be the last to have their freedoms taken away.  Currently, many White individuals quite frankly, don’t seem to care about what happens to the rest of us.  Fox News aired a segment today where they said literally “like it or not, these aren’t our kids, show them compassion, but it’s not like he’s doing this to the people of Idaho or Texas.”

The responsibility is also on White individuals because they are primarily the individuals still supporting Trump.  We would not have Trump without White America.  A majority of White Americans, both men and women, voted for Trump.  That can’t be said about any other racial/ethnic group.  The fact of the matter is, democracy cannot be saved unless millions of White people fight against White privilege.  Democracy will not be saved unless millions of White Americans start caring about what happens to people who are not like them.  They need to start caring about what happens to Black Americans, Latinx Americans, LGBT Americans, Asian Americans, disabled Americans, Muslim Americans, and more.  Trust me White Americans, you need to do this as well.  If the rest of us are gone, who will fight for you when the fascist state comes after your freedom?

At this rate, I don’t know if we can wait until the midterms or 2020 to vote out this fascist regime.  Furthermore, I honestly believe that voting is not enough.  We must dismantle the factors that created Trump in the first place.  Conservatives are right, undocumented people and asylum seekers were not treated fairly under Obama as well.  Obama wasn’t perfect.  People of color, LGBT Americans, Women, and Muslims were all persecuted under his watch.  We cannot be content to return to a time when the persecution of non-White individuals was less obvious.  We need more White people like Cynthia Nixon (she’s running for governor in New York) who are willing to call for the abolishment of ICE and label it a terrorist organization.  She has removed her White lens and taken things from the perspective of Latinx individuals.  She recognizes that although ICE does not target her or people who look like her, it is targeting others, and that, she will not abide.

I want to have hope in White people, but they’ve let me down so many times in the past.  I’m trying so hard to have hope; I want to believe that White people are better than this.  White Americans, now is the time for you to define your narrative; begin to rewrite what it means to be White.  Do you want Whiteness to continue to be something abhorrent in this country?  Fine, do nothing.  If you want to be respected and accepted by people of color, fight for us now as if it was your lives on the line.

Deconstructing “the Donald’s” Hit Job on Bernie Sanders

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Donald Trump’s recent attack ad on Bernie Sanders has struck an emotional cord for me. There are so many things wrong with it that I need to deconstruct it piece by piece.  I intend this post to be both cathartic for me and any potential readers.

Trump’s shtick is that he will not back down or capitulate to anyone. His supporters view him as refreshing in the era of “pussification.”  Yes, conservatives have actually used that word. This term centralizes aggression and dominance within masculinity.  Trump is cleverly using this implicit sexist bias in his attack ad.  He is attacking Bernie’s lack of aggression and therefore, his masculinity. This appeals to his party base as Republicans in general tend to be less tolerant of compromise, see the world in us vs. them terms, and are more willing to use force to gain an advantage. In other words, Republicans look for the toxic masculine shtick in their leaders.  Vile though his methods may be, Donald Trump sure knows how to play to his party base.

Trump has no problems alienating those who do not fall within his party base.   His supporters are 91% White and support deportation of undocumented immigrants, feel that the confederate flag is a symbol of Southern pride, and believe Blacks who struggle are responsible for their own condition.  They are not exactly a group supportive of multiculturalism and diversity.  Trump’s racist comments are not bold; they are exactly what his constituents want to hear.

Bernie Sanders is at least attempting to reach out to the Black community.  He should be applauded for sharing the stage with the Black Lives Matter activists.  His sharing of the mic is a show of solidarity towards Black America by a person in power – historically something almost all of our political leaders have avoided like the plague.  Bernie Sanders showed that yes, he actually to some degree does care about Black lives.  In the era of colorblind racism where racial differences and inequities are denied, this move by Bernie takes courage.  As yesterday’s democratic debates aptly demonstrated, not all progressives are supportive of racial justice reform.  Bernie is taking a risk; by taking a stand and supporting racial justice reform, he may actually alienate some of his White constituency.

Bernie Sanders does know how to defend himself.  Unlike Trump, he defends his beliefs even if they are unpopular with his supporters.  In sharing his mic with the Black Lives Matter activists, he demonstrated that he knows sometimes the most important voice is not his own. This to me is what takes courage and strength and is what I look for in a leader.

Unfortunately and unsurprisingly, the issues with Donald Trump’s attack ad are not limited to toxic masculinity.  In the short clip he also manages to denigrate the Black Lives Matter movement as well.  By juxtaposing BlackLivesMatter activists with ISIS, he not so subtly insinuates that BlackLivesMatter is a serious threat to this country and its values. This is downright offensive.  One group, ISIS, has murdered innocent people.  The other group, Black Lives Matter, is trying to prevent the murder innocents. How could groups with literally opposite goals be similar?

Trump ends the video with his campaign slogan: “Make America Great Again.” Someone needs to tell Donald that this so called American Greatness he keeps referring to would not have been possible without the literal blood, sweat, and tears of Black America.  Millions of Black lives have been lost to create the America we know today.  Despite this, we as a society remain inhumanely indifferent to the struggles of Black America, the struggles we create and perpetuate.  No Donald, Black Lives Matter is not a threat to “America.”  America is a threat to Black lives. Props to Bernie for recognizing this.

Last but not least, the 15 second or so clip also manages to promote Islamophobia. I’m not here to debate the potential danger ISIS poses to this country; I am here to critique the depiction of Muslim individuals in our country.  Donald Trump likes to cherry pick the worst individuals of Islam and use them to represent the entire religion to his constituents.  Unfortunately his supporters don’t know any better.  Are some Muslims terrorists?  Yes, a very small handful are.  Are the vast majority? Overwhelmingly, no.  In fact, in the last 14 years since 9/11, White Americans have killed more innocent people than Muslims or any other group.  Of the 26 terrorist attacks on the US since 9/11, only 6 have been committed by Muslims.

Another issue Islamophobes like to bring up is Sharia law and the human rights atrocities permitted through it.  Specifically, conservatives like to critique Islamic countries for oppressing their women.  Typical platitudes include “Saudi Women aren’t even allowed to drive!” While this is a travesty, one Islamic country’s injustice is not representative of an entire religion. Finally, when your political party is hell-bent on defunding Planned Parenthood, you absolutely do not have the right to critique others for denying women’s rights.

Well, I think that’s about all I have to say on the matter.  I do feel better getting all of that off my chest.  I hope reading this post offered you some relief as well.

PS. I realize that the current post is very pro Bernie Sanders.  In the next post, I will provide an anti-racist critique of him.  Stay tuned.

The Myth that Won’t Die: Political Correctness as Outrage Culture

Recently several high-profile individuals have spoken out against what they perceive as a “creepy PC culture” infecting the nation.  These individuals believe that millennials, particularly college-going individuals, can no longer take a joke and are always looking to be offended.   Critics of PC culture feel that in the desire of younger generations to not offend anybody, they have limited critical thinking and discussion.

The argument on the surface seems compelling.   If we try to limit offensive language, are we not censoring free speech?  Are we not narrowing important discourse?  How can we grow as people if we do not hear all perspectives?  After all, isn’t surrounding yourself with like-minded thinkers not conducive to critical thinking?

This notion is actually pretty insulting.  It stereotypes everyone who supports political correctness as the same.  Obviously we must all think alike if we all feel the same way about using language that is inclusive rather than exclusive.  The thing is, we don’t all feel the same way about race or gender a lot of the time.  Each of us carries with us our own experiences and identities.  I, for example as a heterosexual Asian male from a privileged upbringing, have a lot to learn about both race and gender from the literally millions of people in this country who do not share my small cluster of identities.  When a significant portion of us can come together and as a group say “this is wrong,” it’s pretty significant accomplishment.  Suggesting that we are just looking to get outraged suggests we lack substance and real conviction.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.  There are literally thousands of articles that show the detrimental effects of racism and misogyny on racial minorities and women. There are too many to cite here but I highly recommend a google scholar search if you haven’t already.  Scholarly articles stating the opposite, that using sexist or racist language actually contributes to critical thinking, are just not there.  We are not limiting the discourse by censoring individuals who perpetuate injustice.  Discarding discourse that we know is not helpful is a hallmark of progress in society.

Politically incorrect language is also highly selective and targets every group but the one in power: heterosexual White men.  That most of the critics of political correctness are White men is not a coincidence. Political correctness clashes with their privilege; they are used to saying whatever they want whenever they want. This is the appeal of Donald Trump to parts of conservative America.  He, due to his position, can say the things they want to say but no longer can in a PC culture.  He still exudes the unlimited White heterosexual male privilege they want but no longer have.  This is what “outrage culture” and political correctness took away from them.

We as a society need to stop pitying the spoiled White boy on the playground told to share for the first time.